Saturday, July 19, 2014


Until recently, I was a loyal Apple customer, with two MacBooks and an iPhone 5. But I recently moved from New York to London, and that meant I needed a new phone number. But my iPhone was locked, preventing that from happening.

So I decided to get a new phone. I really wanted a big, 5.7-inch iPhone 6, but that won't be out until September at the very earliest, and maybe not until next year.

So I got a Samsung Galaxy S5, one of the big-screen "phablet" phones with a 5.1-inch screen that is driving the smartphone category right now.

And I am blown away.

I had no idea what I've been missing.

Using a large-format Samsung Android is leagues ahead of the iPhone experience, especially for video and photos. The big screen makes a huge difference.

When I went back to my old iPhone I was struck by how bizarrely small it is. It was like looking at one of my old flip-phones from the early 2000s. I just couldn't understand why I had tolerated it for so long.

The Galaxy handles texts and email better than the iPhone, too. My main demands on a phone are email, messaging, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, photos, web media, and video. The big screen format really makes all of these pop in a way that they just don't on the iPhone. This will sound like the zealotry of the newly converted, but iPhone users do not realize quite how bad even basic web media like YouTube or Vimeo are on an iPhone until you see them on a Galaxy.

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