Friday, November 19, 2010


The Honorable Rep Chaffetz questions the need for this scan. Why create another government agency when dogs can do the same job for less pay.

Ok now let's hear a TSA's view of why we need to lose our 4th amendment and pay them at the same time for the pleasure of groping us. I suppose we are nothing but scums from his point of view. Thank you SIR.. May I have another.........

Apparently a public servant means what it means.... I can't wait til we have this privatize and get more respect as citizens who pays for the service to fly. WE ARE NOT THE TERRORIST...

As a TSA Screener for the past 8 years, I can honestly say that the majority of you morons don't know what the heck your angry, or talking about. Do you honestly think that I come to work hoping to grope you or your little bratty kids? some of you I have to hold my nose because you don't believe in soap, or shampoo for your hair, we beg and plead with you to take off any metal that you have on your body, or in the case of the Full Body Scanner, to take "ALL ITEMS" from your pockets , the vast majority of you won't, so who's fault is it if you wind up being patted down? not mine!. And as far as kids go, parents do sometimes hide items on their children, I have seen this happen many times. And if I do have to pat down a child, their private parts are not touched in any way period!. Plus, the Full Body Patdown, along with the Whole Body Scanner does work in finding items that some of the traveling public want to conceal and I will absolutely not apologize for doing the job that I took an oath to do. It is my opinion that most of you want another terrorist attack on this country in order to pin on the President and his Administration and I just pray that you don't get your wish.

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